Owning a ten hectares plantation in the SAVA, we work with the agricultural cooperative TGMB, a shareholder of Sullivan's Industry, our malagasy subsidiary.
We use two species of trees: gliricidia and jatropha which are used as support for the pods and as a shade producer. The trimming of this supports provide a vegetal mulch similar to the original forest environment, lightening the soil and producing a natural fertilizer.
In Mexico, origin country of the orchid, flowers were naturally fertilized by a little bee: Melipona, which could not be acclimated in indian ocean, obliging a manual fertilization.
Our teams of "Matchmakers" are in charge of this manual fertilization during the flowering period. This process need to put in touch male and female elements separating the sepal.
A precise and delicate ancestral gesture transmitted from generation to generation. We are proud to keep this process and Akhayayha is presently our champion in this discipline with more than 2 400 flowers a day.
Over the years, we have created a network of 975 planters , amoung whom 25% are organic certified
After the crop of green beans, our teams immediately mortify vanillas
Crucial step in the preparation of vanillas, scalding involve immersing the green beans in hot water for a few minutes to trigger the enzymatic process and create the typical vanilla flavours. Based on our experience, we have developed special plunging baskets to guarantee homogeneous scalding for all beans.
Once scalded, the beans are wrapped in woolen blankets and placed in large wooden boxes. We take care that humidity and heat remain at a level keeping the enzymatic reaction. At the end of this process, beans reach a beautiful brown color and start to develop the characteristic flavours.
Drying vanilla is a long and tedious process requiring a long handwork time.
This drying period is parted in two:
Maturation of the vanilla is the last step in the process of the beans.
The beans are stored so that they can breathe in boxes lined with parchment paper. The characteristic fragrance of Bourbon vanilla will use this time to improve and reach all his complexity.
This new curring process allow to reach noteworthly i ncrease of the vanillin content and is specialy dedicated for extraction beans. Beans are scalded cutted and then put in stove.
After years of various trials we obtained the best control of the different parameters and vanillin increases reaching around 50% .
We process infusions starting from classical or QCP beans.
We used two different ways to obtain the largest range of flavours:
Extracts are filtred and standardized as 3 folds.
Extracted beans are washed for collecting alcohol and flavours remaining. These extracts are sent in France and used to decrease concentration if needed by our custumers.
Our Malagasy site is equipped with a modern laboratory adapted to our needs, allowing us to carry out the physico-chemical analyzes necessary for the establishment of our technical sheets: humidity and dry matter, alcohol content, vanillin titration ...
Being an approved exporter, we organize our shipments and manage all the logistics.
We thus guarantee full traceability of our raw materials from the plantation in Madagascar to our factory in France.
Storage capacity of SULLIVAN'S in the Montauroux factory guaranty quick delivery to custumers.
Our ecological philosophy brought us to promote the residues after extractions.
Our extracted beans are sent in our factory of LE GAULT ST DENIS, located near Chartres.
Extracted beans are dryed and the seeds are parted.
On one hand, seeds are sifted and cleaned using a special process developped by SULLIVAN'S allowing to obtain the best product known on the market.
On an other hand, the dryed beans are grinded and sifted to obtain the needed mesh.
All our products are finally sterilized to offer the best food security.
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